Monday, October 4, 2010

One Year

Hard to believe it but Johnathan's been out ONE year now! Johnathan was just transferred to his 3rd area and made Zone Leader. He was surprised and excited, both sad to leave where he had been living for 6 months but happy and ready to see a new area. A bitter sweet moment! He says it's a new challenge being Zone leader but he is ready for it. He loves his new area and gets along great with his new companion! He has a working toilet and a comfortable bed! It's nice to know he is getting a good nights rest!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trainer and District Leader

On June 16th 2010 (9 months into his mission) Johnathan found out he will be training a new missionary. He was also called to be a district leader. He was surprised and very excited! He says he loves the work and hopes he can inspire the missionaries in his district to work hard and do their best.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Transfer

After being in his first area for nearly 5 months, Johnathan received his first transfer assignment. He also found out that the mission will be splitting. There will now be a Nicaragua North Mission and a Nicaragua South Mission. He will remain in the South Mission. I think he is excited about that but sad to see some of the other Elders he has come to know move to the North, knowing he won't see them again. The Mission and the work of the Lord is moving right a long as they continue to teach the people of Nicaragua. He loves what he is doing and I think his companions have a hard time keeping up with his non stop energy! Have a look down below at some pictures of his new apt. All I can say is , WOW!! It's a good thing he has water shoes to use while in the shower!!!

Elder J.D's. Missionary Mom

Monday, January 18, 2010


Johnathan has been in Nicaragua 2 months now and is starting to really understand the language. He says it's HOT and HUMID! He has to laminate his planner because the ink runs all over his shirt from sweating so much! His companion is a native from El Salvador and doesn't speak any English. Johnathan is trying to help him learn English while he is learning Spanish. They seem to get along really well and work hard all day. They get around by walking, and by the sounds of it, they walk a lot! They have already had many interested investigators and have had several baptisms. In only 2 months he has learned so much and has grown to love the people of Nicaragua and wants so much to help them. As his mom, I'm so pleased with his desire to serve the Lord and willingness to put up with the physical challenges so he can teach them about our Savior and His plan of happiness!

Monday, October 19, 2009

I decided to make a blog for Johanthan so his friends and family can read inserts from the letters he sends home and see pictures of him and his companions and the people he will meet and teach in Nicaragua.
